Mr. Ashenafi Birhanu
Library Head
E-mail :ashuzharar@gmail.comMenschen für Menschen foundation
Agro-Technical and Technology College
Cataloging Service
The College’s library uses a centralized catalog system. This section is responsible for cataloging and classification of all materials acquired by the library using the Library of Congress Classification system. It helps users to get information through the author, title and subject by using online public access cataloguing (OPAC) platform.
Circulation Service
Is the one that registers members, issues pockets and lends materials based on the type of membership. This section lends 5 materials for staff and Graduating class students 5 materials for undergraduate students for 1 weeks. This section is also responsible for spot reading service by offering reserved materials. This section provide its service for its customers by using an integrated Library automation system.
Acquisition Service
The library provides current and back issue catalog, indexes and abstracts of information sources by acquiring from different publishers and distributors around the world, accepts requests of users and displays the newly acquired information sources in the new arrived display box.
Computer Section and Digital Library Service
This is the section that delivers electronic literature search service. It provides access to electronic information. And the section contains over 54 computers which is connected to broadband 24/7 internet addition the student can access the college Digital library system ,it acquire over 7000 electronic materials classified by subject ,author and title in PDF format.