Historic Background MFM-ATTC
Karlheinz Böhm foundation Menschen für Menschen began its activity in the erar valley (eastern harerge zone )in January 1982 by resettling people displaced due to war and natural disaster .then the foundation expanded its project to multifaceted developmental interventions that have paramount importance in raising the livelihood of the local community.
The major areas of intervention were soil and water conservation, reforestation, extension work, development of potable water supply schemes, infrastructure, health and education.
Later on, it was realized that these activities should not be restricted to their original place and therefore the idea of introducing and ensuring holistic and sustainable development throughout the country in general and in the target community in particular was developed
Pursuant to this the foundation established the then Agro technical training center (ATTC) and commenced its activity officially in September 1992As a result of continuous and rigorous improvement and adjustments both on the mode of program delivery and resource profile, the former training center was upgraded to an accredited and nationally recognized technical college Agro-technical training college (ATTC), in the year 1997.in 2009, the college was renamed to the current nomenclature agro -technical and technology college in the year 2009.
Since 1997 and till late 2005 the college had been training young Ethiopians from different regions of the country, in two distinct fields, i.e.:
- In the fields of technology (Automotive ,electrical and electronics ,metal)at a three year advanced diploma level; and,
- In the fields of agriculture (DA training at a diploma level on one hand ,and short term trainings for local farmers on the other hosted by its pioneer Agro ecology department
A total of 805 trainees had been graduated with certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas, while 900 farmers had been given tailor-made short term trainings until the new education and training policy came in to effect and eventually the aforementioned certificate and diploma level training programs were phased out.
In lieu of its long standing advanced diploma Technology programs and diploma agricultural programs and after fulfilling all the quality requirements of the ministry of education ,ATTC has launched BSC applied degree programs in its main fields of technology (Automotive ,Electrical and electronics and manufacturing )in 2006 ,And a year later ,in the fields of agriculture (particularly in the area of crop production and animal production).
To date, a total of 270 trainees have been graduated from the college with BSC degrees in the aforementioned major fields.