Contact Automotive Technology Department
Mr. Eba Chimdessa Gilo (MSc)
Head of Automotive Technology Department
The Automotive Technology Department was established in 1997 to train qualified Automotive Technicians. The training was designed to produce highly qualified technicians who are capable of servicing, repairing and utilizing vehicles and vehicle components.
Automobiles are growing increasingly complex with each model year as manufacturers respond to the public’s interest in better mileage, comfort, aesthetic and more stringent emission control systems in this electronic age. The program was later upgraded to degree level in 2010 for the graduates or automotive technologist to effectively handle the increasingly complex jobs in the automotive industry.
The diversification and the expansion in the automobile engineering & business sector have persisted with greater pace and with many facets. The business in the sector that includes the sales, marketing dealership is achieving so much momentum as the technological advancement or progress. Due to low labor rates unsaturated market, automobile manufacturing and assembly plants are also on the booming edge in the country.
Thus in addition to handling repairing and maintaining the complicated systems of today’s vehicles, the automotive technologists need to be equipped with the general business and production of automobiles which Is currently assuming very great share in the sector.
On the other hand educational institutions or systems of every discipline are moving to achieve uniformity and standardization in respective studies.
The present and recent curriculum, is thus designed on one hand to respond to the unification or modularization demands in the training of the automotive technology program nationwide and globally and to the ever increasing forms of the sector on the other hand.
The high level skills and knowledge acquired by the students in the analysis and design of vehicle components and vehicle systems enables the graduates to meet the continuous, long-standing and ever-increasing demand for qualified personnel in sectors engaged in the automotive, agricultural and road construction equipment design, production, sales and exploitation.
Mr. Endeshaw Mandefro: Msc.
Position :Lecturer
Mrs. Hellen Getachew: Bsc
Position :Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Eba Chemdessa : Bsc
Position :Assistant Lecturer
Mr. Fitsum Altayu Advanced Diploma
Position: Technical Assistant
Mr. Yadesa Adam (Advance diploma)
Position: Technical Assistant